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Rudy Giuliani Is Missing, Last Seen In Palm Beach County


Arizona Officials Trying To Serve Him Following Indictment. Have You Seen Him?

Rudy Giuliani was last seen in Palm Beach County. Arizona officials are trying to serve him following his indictment in the state. (Image: Georgia booking photo).


UPDATE: The New York Post reports that Giuliani was located during his 80th birthday party and served. He is no longer missing.

BOCA RATON, FL ( (Copyright © 2024 MetroDesk Media, LLC) — If you’ve seen former New York City Mayor and one time Donald Trump advisor Rudy Giuliani, you may want call authorities in Arizona. Giuliani has seemingly vanished after his indictment in Arizona for election interference. He owns a condo in Palm Beach County.

Authorities say they’ve been trying to serve Giuliani with the indictment for several weeks, but have yet to find him. He is required to appear in court, in Arizona, within the next several days. An arrest warrant could be issued if he does not appear.

Rudolph W. Giuliani, according to the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser, owns a condo at 315 South Lake Drive in West Palm Beach. It was purchased in February of 2010 for $1.4M. He was apparently last seen in that area before disappearing.

If you see Rudy Giuliani, the Arizona Attorney General’s office can be reached at 602-542-5025. There’s also a tip submission area on their website which is

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48 thoughts on “Rudy Giuliani Is Missing, Last Seen In Palm Beach County”

  1. Stalinist purge much? By the way, if the policies of America’s Mayor were still in place in NYC, can you imagine how many less people with dogs would be in our grocery stores and restaurants?

      1. If you commit a crime you have to pay. If he were an honest person he wouldn’t be dealing with this and neither would the others. It’s called playing yourself.

      2. Rudy will probably ask the governor of Florida for asylum to prevent him being forced to go to AZ for trial. Since he is bankrupt he would not be able to afford bail.

        In 2015 VT’s governor blocked actor Randy Quaid return to CA to face charges

      3. That’s because Trump surrounded himself with people willing to commit felonies to obtain money/power/influence. When he loses the election, they will all go to jail along with him.

      4. Hmm, funny how when you associate with a corrupt mob boss/traitor/rapist/criminal/tax cheat/adulterer/deadbeat, you get a little attention.

        Occam’s razor, bro

      5. People associating and doing business with Trump have always had to watch out for Trump. People involved in criminal conspiracies likewise tend to watch out for the justice department. This isn’t a witchhunt. This is just the everyday business of law-enforcement — on people who thought they were going to get away with it.

      6. I mean, if you’ve been indicted and you go on the lam instead of showing up for court, then yes- the person in that scenario would have a target on their back, because they’ve broken the law. It would be the same if it were Rudy Giuliani or you, or me.

        Not Trump though I imagine. At least it doesn’t seem like he’ll ever be put in jail for his crimes. I guess I’d settle for bankrupting him.

    1. Now now, upstanding MAGA men and their wives have every right to be in our grocery stores and restaurants as any other red-blooded American. Not a nice way you refer to their wives though, honestly

    2. It’s not a purge when the targets have repeatedly and brazen committed crimes to which they rightfully should be held accountable. It serves Trump and his cronies well when fanatics that have had their eye ears and brains shut for the past 8 years or so cry about a two tiered justice system that’s unfairly targeting republicans; ignoring the fact that they have being committing crimes in broad daylight and getting away with it up until now. If the America’s justice system was actually fair they’d had been jailed long ago. And even with what’s happening now they so far are still being cushioned from any real consequences. – see Trump constantly getting away with breaking gag orders. Few others would be that privliged to constantly threaten jurors and judges during their trial. In fact Trump has had the privilage to undermine an election, incite an insurrection, retain and (very likely) sell off state secrets, and have a loooooong and well recorded history of sexual assault and business fraud and he’s still a free man. It’s completely absurd and a clear sign that America is not really a demoncracy and the justice system favours the rich and well connected. I see fucking tired of seeing people defend this arseholes, they are NOT acting in your interest, they are money oriented grifters taking advantage of you.

    3. Enforcing accountability and rule of law are not purges. But MAGAs oppose any attempt for legitimate justice while they invent a continual stream of accusations that never go anywhere but excite their base, they get all tingly with each false accusation.

  2. I bet if there was a Democrat wanted, you wouldn’t print a word about it! Your publication is so slanted it’s disgusting. The sign of a good journalist is after reading their news item, you have no idea where they stand politically. In your case, your liberal bias is blatantly obvious. You should stick to editorials where you can spew your progressive left wing rhetoric.

    1. I think most Americans prefer a party that respects the police, government institutions, and the rule of law. What is slanted is the number of Republicans, and Trump himself, committing so many crimes. The party engaged in over 90 lawsuits regarding the election and failed to prove any significant claims – even when standing before Trump appointed judges. So, it’s not the publication or bias that is slanted, it’s the party, and most of all Trump himself, standing at an angle with lifted heals. He is a 13-year old boy’s idea of masculinity, and many American’s haven’t matured past that mind-set. Fortunately, the adults in the room are doing their job.

      1. Yes, yes, yes, finally someone pointing out that he had over 60 shots at overturning the election in court. Over twenty of the judges that turned him down were appointed by him and his party. And yet he continues to say that it was a “rigged election”. The press should be asking him every day how he accounts for all those conservative Republican judges saying he is wrong. The man has taken a chapter from his own book. He said that when ever you want something to be believed, just say it long enough and it will be. Its time for the rest of us to match his consistent lie with the obvious truth.

    2. Doug…please stop echoing the words of your masters. Use your brain. Rudy broke a law. He is being served papers, but he is missing. That is what the above article states. How is that slanted? Or is it just that you feel it’s slanted cause your “team” is cheating and losing?

    3. Let me get this straight, Doug. You’re getting pissed off because this website isn’t covering crimes committed by Democrats that haven’t actually happened yet?

      If one side is getting more bad coverage than the other, maybe it’s because one side is doing more bad things than the other. Just a thought.

  3. Thank you for your daily honest commentary, on issues big and small I read Boca News religiously. I know that I will not miss anything important by reading your news. Thanks for saving me a lot of time and trouble. In this crazy world, it is imperative to keep up with what is happening.

  4. I mean, if you’ve been indicted and you go on the lam instead of showing up for court, then yes- the person in that scenario would have a target on their back, because they’ve broken the law. It would be the same if it were Rudy Giuliani or you, or me.

    Not Trump though I imagine. At least it doesn’t seem like he’ll ever be put in jail for his crimes. I guess I’d settle for bankrupting him.

  5. How is Rudy bankrupt when he owns at least one property worth $1.4 million dollars. That seems like the opposite, heck, one might even call Rudy a millionaire, so yeah. He ain’t poor, he just don’t want to give up his nice things.

  6. It seems funny how it takes 4 years for them to Charge a guy. Especially when he might beat the guy who’s in charge of the justice department remember everyone of these people are corrupt, not one of them can say they never have from police to the top there all dirty no matter what party they belong to and your all fools to think different.

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