Dog Poppies

Dogs In Restaurants, Supermarkets Bringing Rude People With Them In Boca, Delray

Boca Raton Boynton Beach Delray Beach Florida News Palm Beach County

Boca Raton. Delray Beach. Boynton Beach. Welcome To Boca Rudeton For Friday.

Dog Poppies
Could this couple and its dog win our Boca Rudeton award for Friday? Check out out all the entrants to see who is the rudest of them all.


BOYNTON BEACH, FL ( (Copyright © 2024 MetroDesk Media, LLC) — Dogs and their rude owners continue to plague Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and Boynton Beach. Welcome to a Friday edition of Boca Rudeton.

Dog Boynton Walmart
Dogs aren’t supposed to be in supermarkets. Why is this dog in the Walmart in Boynton Beach?

We start in the Walmart on Military Trail and Coconut Lane in Boynton Beach. Why oh why does Blondie need fluffy in the store? We don’t have an answer. But we do know that dogs are not allowed in supermarkets under state and federal law, which makes one wonder if this woman know she’s seemingly committing a crime. Maybe the dog is fully trained service dog. Maybe.

Walgreens Dog Glades 441
Our tipster says this dog was licking chocolate bars in the Walgreens at 441 and Glades Road.

At the Walgreens at Glades and 441, our tipster says he asked why this dog was licking chocolate bars. Not only is chocolate often something that makes dogs quite sick, it’s quite gross. So is bringing a dog into a store where people who are seeking medication for medical ailments. The woman apparently told our tipster that he doens’t know what people are going through and it’s a service dog. Suggests our tipster: if it’s truly a service dog, it seems to need more training.

Costco Boca Raton Dog
It’s so simple. Dogs are not supposed to be where food is being served. We don’t know why this woman in the Costco in Boca Raton didn’t get the message.

So many questions being asked about this dog in the dining area of the Costco in Boca Raton. It’s bad enough that dogs are in Costco, but it’s even worse, says our tipster, that this dog is hanging out in the food area. We agree. It seems to be a violation of state and federal law. But who are we to say whether this ball of fluff is actually a fully trained service dog?

A dog doesn’t belong at Poppies in Delray Beach. We question whether these people do, either.

And at Poppies Restaurant at 4900 Linton Blvd. in Delray Beach, this couple apparently wanted to eat out with its doggie child. Here’s the thing. It’s not okay. It’s not okay to take your dog out to a restaurant and eat inside. And it sure as hell isn’t okay to have your dog with its paws on a table that will be used by lots of other people. Corned beef sandwich? Yum. Dog with paws on table. Disgusting.

So who is our winner? It’s a tough one today but let’s go with the Poppies couple! Nothing says eating out like eating out with a dog that’s potentially slobbering on a human seat or at a human table. What do we have for our winners? Well… our readers know we don’t really give prizes, but if we did, it would be a menu full of items reminding these senior citizens how to behave in 2024. That means leaving your dog at home.

We remind our readers that there is no expectation of privacy in a public place. Don’t want to be seen here? Don’t be rude here! Send your submissions to us using the menu buttons above. Share your thoughts about all of these seemingly needy dog people in our comment section, below. Boca Rudeton™ is a trademark of MetroDesk Media, LLC. Dog owners who are rude is a trademark of South Palm Beach County.

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37 thoughts on “Dogs In Restaurants, Supermarkets Bringing Rude People With Them In Boca, Delray

    1. there is no law pertaining to domestic animals in supermarkets or restaurants. Pet friendly businesses are everywhere. Next you’ll ask why do people bring newborns or toddlers to Supermarkets and Restaurants. They’re walking Petrie dishes.

    1. I work in a store that ONLY sells food. People bring their dogs in and when we politely tell them that dogs aren’t allowed in ANY establishment that sells food, we are told they are service dogs.UNFORTUNATELY we can not ask for proof that they are licensed, trained service dogs.. most, if not all paid $129.00 on the internet for emotional support “ licenses “. It’s not the managers fault, the law needs to be more specific.

      1. This is incorrect. There are 2 questions any gatekeeper can ask. Emotional Support Animals are NOT granted public access ever.
        1) is that a service dog
        2) what tasks does it perform for you?
        Service Dogs are never allowed to sit in seats in a restaurant, they should be tucked under the table.
        Service dogs should never be sniffing foodstuffs.
        If they are a valid team the handler should be able to answer those questions quickly and knowingly. Also, here in FL we do have a “fake service dog” law. When in doubt call the law and ask that they be issued a summons based on this statute.

    1. Yes, I have no issues with dogs if they are clean and so what if there are many colors and breeds that people use as service animals. Stop barking at dogs!

  1. Could you people be bigger sacs of walking garbage and misery? Can’t you just be happy? Can’t you just enjoy life, stop sucking and making everyone else’s lives miserable. We don’t want to be you. We know your lives suck. Now go fuck yourselves. THANK YOU, The Rest of Us

    1. Andrew,
      My life doesn’t suck nor am I miserable, but don’t want dogs in places I eat or buy food… it’s gross!
      You on the other hand sound unhinged and very angry. Maybe you should go f&@k yourself!

  2. Who can I contact to enforce the law? Boca Raton and Delray Beach are all over the parking with meter maids ticketing violators all day. I pay for parking and still get ticketed because there was a 15 minute lapse or I was facing the wrong way in a paid parking spot. I would like to know who I can call to enforce and assess fines to the establishments who are not enforcing the law. Also we should start publishing places that are people friendly. Thanks for your good work!

    1. I have posted many many times on local NextDoor app with the organization, contact info and phone number
      to report (non service) dogs illegally in food stores and restaurants. It also applies outdoor restaurant seating if they do not have specially pet- licensed outdoor seating area set aside, accessed only from outdoors, not passing through non pet tables. It is a $500 misdemeanor 1st offense and $500 ea following plus up to 60 days jail, 30 days community service. Lying also charged as misdemeanor. Search the app, there are quite a few posts..Grocery stores regulated under FL Dept of Healthi. Restaurants are inspected and regulated under FL Dept of Business and Professional Regulation

  3. That’s expected from Walmart. The elderly couple in Poppies are either casting rejects of parents from Seinfeld, or the top Google Image Search of a “I bring my dog to indoor public places where prohibited.”

  4. Perhaps, it’s time to boycott these businesses? Only when they feel it in their pockets will there be a change. Just heard from a manager at Publix last Saturday that it’s “discriminatory” for them to ask for proof that it is indeed a service dog and that unless Florida changes the law, this issue will continue. Perhaps, it’s time to contact DeSantis!

  5. The solution to the problem is politely tell the humans in the nicest possible way they cant shop here (humans/not dogs). They will almost 100% certainty not leave the dog behind. Sometimes you have to be strategic in your delivery. i am a young person and when i see dogs in the produce section it really pisses me off. Service dogs are supposed to have this displayed on the animal. They put dogs in shopping carts. Animals have ticks and fleas its a total nightmare when you bring them into your house and you have no pets.

  6. No photo — cell phones discouraged, but just now seen at Saturday evening production at FAU “1 Man, 2 Guvners”, a woman with a small toy terrier. Is this a first?

  7. I’ve never seen so many miserable people in my life than you dog haters. Grow up and get a life or better yet take up a hobby. What difference does it make it make if it’s a dog at that table or toddler with drooling with with filthy dirty hands? Snot dripping out of the child’s nose onto the table etc. Please get a something better to do than bash dogs. Do you understand how small, ridiculous, and pathetic, and petty you look?

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