Florida Atlantic University

Boca Raton’s FAU Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden

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Florida Atlantic University
A new FAU poll reveals Donald Trump is leading President Biden as of February, 2024.

BY: STAFF REPORT | BocaNewsNow.com

BOCA RATON, FL (BocaNewsNow.com) (Copyright © 2024 MetroDesk Media, LLC) — A new poll just released by Florida Atlantic University shows that former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden by four points. FAU released the poll narrative:

According to the national survey, 41 percent of registered voters expressed support for Trump, while 37 percent favored Biden. Another 13 percent opted for alternative candidates while 9 percent remained undecided. These findings echo recent polls showing Trump consistently leading Biden by margins ranging from 1 percent to 4 percent.

Demographic analysis of the poll data highlights the role of racial and ethnic identity in shaping candidate support. Although Biden maintains strong backing from African Americans at 63 percent, his support among white voters (32 percent) and Hispanics (33 percent) is notably lower. Conversely, Trump garners significant support from white voters (48 percent), Hispanics (41 percent), and even 17 percent of African Americans.

Further examination reveals Trump’s strong-hold on white non-college graduates, with 52 percent favoring him over Biden.

“Former President Trump is maintaining a commanding lead with white non-college-educated voters. This group has been steadfast and largely unmoved in their support of the former President,” said Kevin Wagner, Ph.D., professor of political science at FAU.

Among Democrats who voted for their own party candidate in 2020, 72 percent chose Biden, while 86 percent of Republican voters did so for Trump.

With 79 percent of voters expressing a strong likelihood of maintaining their current choice in November, Biden faces the challenge of swaying the remaining 21 percent who are undecided.

Among younger cohorts aged 18-34, there’s a notable trend of 20 percent expressing uncertainty about maintaining their current choice, compared with older cohorts, where only 4 percent of those aged 65+ and 8 percent of those aged 50-64 share similar sentiments.

In line with the outcome of the presidential election vote choice, the approval rating of Biden’s performance as President reflects a challenging scenario. Currently, 38 percent approve of his performance (23 percent strongly approve and 15 percent somewhat approve), while 57 percent disapprove (38 percent strongly disapprove and 19 percent somewhat disapprove). Of note, his job approval rating closely mirrors that of Trump’s at 34 percent in January 2020.

Share your thoughts on this poll, below.

21 responses to “Boca Raton’s FAU Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden”

  1. Maryann Avatar

    I am withdrawing my financial support left in my will. FAU student body doesn’t appear to be diversified enough for me. I can no longer support this GOP party who pledges total support to a dictator like candidate.

    1. FAU Alumni Avatar
      FAU Alumni

      With exception to full private scholarships and exchange programs, it is not the responsibility of a state university funded by tax dollars to educate foreigners, when a sizable chunk of native-born college graduates can’t find work related to their degrees, and I’m talking about the useful ones. Even as an FAU alumni from better days, we’re talking a school that made a soap opera out of the president search, all stemming from one of the criteria giving preference to men in heels.

  2. Hugo Avatar

    That poll makes me sick. Trump is a deranged authoritarian wanna be.

    But we do reside in a GQP hellhole.

    1. The Truth Will Set you Free Avatar
      The Truth Will Set you Free

      Last time I checked, Trump never used his government, or partisan judges and attorney generals to suppress his political opponents. Next to extrajudicial killings, that is lock, stock and barrel authoritarianism.

  3. Michael Avatar

    This is the origin story for 99% of all Trumpers

    Step 1: Be an entitled, immature man/woman-baby
    Step 2: Become a failure
    Step 3: Blame others for your failures due to your immaturity
    Step 4: Give up when you finally come to the realization that your life is a failure due to your own shortcomings and everyone you know thinks you’re a joke (some never make it to this step and just keep on lying)

    1. Kmmjet Avatar

      Wow, What a commentary Micheal!!!
      It’s easy to see that you are looking in the mirror. I’m not sure if you are referring to Trump or the deplorables who may vote for him?
      Please explain..
      I guess that you know the personality traits and character defects on over 70m people , You know those “Trumpers” You know those immature failures who cast blame on anyone but themselves, We are all so relieved that you have laid out who they ( Trumpers) are and where they came from, whew, I feel so much better.

      Thanks Micheal, you must be genius.
      But wait, actually it’s easy to see that you are a Narcissist,
      Clearly of low emotional and social intelligence, indoctrinated by your environment (prejudiced) and certainly have had an unlucky streak in your experiences with people.
      I can see that you mostly hate yourself and could never actually analyze 70 m people and certainly never have been honest with yourself
      You must be happy, loving and kind, your wisdom is astonishing!!
      No I am just messing with you, Its sad , your sad and ill equipped.
      You failed Mike!! You just showed us ,

      Now a whole more people KNOW that you are the failure.

  4. Christopher Virtue Avatar
    Christopher Virtue

    Joe Biden is the most incompetent and most severely cognitively impaired individual to ever sit in the White House.
    Joe Biden has proven himself to be a consummate liar on issues as important to all Americans as border security.
    President Biden is ridiculed and mocked and totally ignored by. America’s worst international adversaries.
    Under Trump we had zero American servicemen and servicemen killed overseas.
    Under Biden, we have wars in Europe, and the Middle East and threats of war in the Pacific.
    I am completely befuddled by anyone with a fully functioning. Brain could ever continue to support Joe Biden as US president..
    I would not even vote for Joe Biden as our local HOA president.
    The man is simply not fit to serve.

    1. Mia Avatar

      I totally agree with you…G-D HELP US IF BIDEN IS RE-ELECTED…OUR GREAT

    2. jsb07078 Avatar

      A grammar and punctuation mess by a MAGA cult member. Please feel free to ignore. Let them gain worth in their undying worship of Orange Jesus.

    3. David Avatar

      MAGA. Nice to see some college students with intelligence.

  5. Sandi Cohon Avatar
    Sandi Cohon

    How can anyone say anything negative about Trump. ? When he was in the white house, we had a safe border, no wars, great economy. The democrats are not who they used to be. I voted Democrat until Trump came along. He did EVERYTHING he promised to do and more. If you don’t like his personality, that’s your choice but he has been the BEST PRESIDENT EVER!!!!!

    1. Michael Avatar

      Trump is A walking embodiment of the 7 deadly sins, and yet his cult cannot see it.
      I keep thinking they’ll have their “emperor has no clothes moment”
      but I fear they’re way too deep in their sunk cost fallacy to process it.
      Remember, the last to admit the con is always the mark.

      1. The Truth Will Set you Free Avatar
        The Truth Will Set you Free

        Nice deflection, not addressing anything Sandi said. What has Biden legitimately done that’s good for the country? Not being the Big Bad Orange Man in your dreams doesn’t count.

      2. Kmmjet Avatar

        There you go Michael.
        That 7 deadly sins analogy is somewhat of a statement in reference to Biden character, sad to say, that our elected President has truly shown us and demonstrated his greed, envy gluttony and sloth.
        You know how I can say that, Michael. Right?
        I can explain, if you like,
        Sloth, = He hides, he is not a full time President, maybe he likes the basement, IDK!
        Greed, = The whole Hunter business dealings, really need some transparency, he abused his power as VP and the American public will continue to suffer from his greed.
        Wrath= Biden has used many of the Federal government agencies as a weapon of mass destruction on any adversaries
        Envy- Well anyone can see what he has done to anyone who is opposed to his administration He is clearly in fear as are most the people who are being exposed for their failures and corruption.

        Now the Emperor no clothes, which is actually new clothes, which are no clothes after he is exposed.
        Biden and many in the administration are being exposed,
        The cult, ??? that is a pretty strong accusation, a cult of personality, you must mean? But a cult is a small group of people not 70m!!
        I believe that 70-90 million Americans are and should be referred to a MAJORITY!!
        The sunk cost fallacy, (I actually know what that means, smartie pants, maybe my 2 MBA and 2000 employees taught me lol)
        I kind of see that Biden is continuing actually struggling to continue, clearly so all the corrupt on both sides do not lose control of their ” cash cow ” and certainly the justice system. As the exposure will be criminal
        He and the “takers” have a lot invested in this charade, decades.
        It’s clear that he will not survive another few years, so he is a good fallguy.
        Oh, wait breaking News!
        BIDEN IS RESIGNING? Is he being indicted?

      3. Michael Avatar

        What has Biden done?

        Maybe if you got your news from anywhere but right wing propaganda outlets I wouldn’t have to make this post.

        Unemployment at historic lows
        Stock market at historic high (literally highest ever)
        Wages up
        Inflation down
        Infrastructure bill
        CHIPS + Science Act
        Gas prices down
        Oil production up, (highest levels in USA history)
        Pandemic over
        Murder/violence down

  6. Concerned Citizen Avatar
    Concerned Citizen

    The TDS in strong in these comments.

  7. The Truth Will Set you Free Avatar
    The Truth Will Set you Free

    At the end of the day, it boils down to this… are you better off now than you were four years ago today? You know, right before all the madness.

  8. Boca MAGA Avatar
    Boca MAGA

    I invite all the Trump-bashing folks reading this to get out of their gated community Boca bubbles, and take a trip down the 441 corridor in central and south Broward County, or up main street in Belle Glade. That’s how the Democrat Party wants all of America to look like to satisfy their masochist views of the county they despise yet whose “democracy” they claim is at stake… all because one man upset the establishment and rejected globalist power grabs (“refugee” quotas, The Great Reset, China’s “peaceful” rise to power, you name it).

  9. Elizabeth Avatar

    I can’t wait for President Trump to take office again! MAGA 🚂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. Hugo Avatar

      Not a cult at all!!

      Trump and the GOP preemptively withdrew from the presidential debates over a year ago, but no reasonable person thinks trump is capable of embarrassing anyone but himself in a setting where the discussion is meant to focus on substantive policy issues and ideas.

      Trumps one big legislative win was cutting taxes for the top 1% and the countries largest corporations.

      Not a cult at all.

  10. Annette Avatar

    Why can’t we admit that both candidates are awful? Where is a third decent option?

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21 thoughts on “Boca Raton’s FAU Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden

  1. I am withdrawing my financial support left in my will. FAU student body doesn’t appear to be diversified enough for me. I can no longer support this GOP party who pledges total support to a dictator like candidate.

    1. With exception to full private scholarships and exchange programs, it is not the responsibility of a state university funded by tax dollars to educate foreigners, when a sizable chunk of native-born college graduates can’t find work related to their degrees, and I’m talking about the useful ones. Even as an FAU alumni from better days, we’re talking a school that made a soap opera out of the president search, all stemming from one of the criteria giving preference to men in heels.

    1. Last time I checked, Trump never used his government, or partisan judges and attorney generals to suppress his political opponents. Next to extrajudicial killings, that is lock, stock and barrel authoritarianism.

  2. This is the origin story for 99% of all Trumpers

    Step 1: Be an entitled, immature man/woman-baby
    Step 2: Become a failure
    Step 3: Blame others for your failures due to your immaturity
    Step 4: Give up when you finally come to the realization that your life is a failure due to your own shortcomings and everyone you know thinks you’re a joke (some never make it to this step and just keep on lying)

    1. Wow, What a commentary Micheal!!!
      It’s easy to see that you are looking in the mirror. I’m not sure if you are referring to Trump or the deplorables who may vote for him?
      Please explain..
      I guess that you know the personality traits and character defects on over 70m people , You know those “Trumpers” You know those immature failures who cast blame on anyone but themselves, We are all so relieved that you have laid out who they ( Trumpers) are and where they came from, whew, I feel so much better.

      Thanks Micheal, you must be genius.
      But wait, actually it’s easy to see that you are a Narcissist,
      Clearly of low emotional and social intelligence, indoctrinated by your environment (prejudiced) and certainly have had an unlucky streak in your experiences with people.
      I can see that you mostly hate yourself and could never actually analyze 70 m people and certainly never have been honest with yourself
      You must be happy, loving and kind, your wisdom is astonishing!!
      No I am just messing with you, Its sad , your sad and ill equipped.
      You failed Mike!! You just showed us ,

      Now a whole more people KNOW that you are the failure.

  3. Joe Biden is the most incompetent and most severely cognitively impaired individual to ever sit in the White House.
    Joe Biden has proven himself to be a consummate liar on issues as important to all Americans as border security.
    President Biden is ridiculed and mocked and totally ignored by. America’s worst international adversaries.
    Under Trump we had zero American servicemen and servicemen killed overseas.
    Under Biden, we have wars in Europe, and the Middle East and threats of war in the Pacific.
    I am completely befuddled by anyone with a fully functioning. Brain could ever continue to support Joe Biden as US president..
    I would not even vote for Joe Biden as our local HOA president.
    The man is simply not fit to serve.

  4. How can anyone say anything negative about Trump. ? When he was in the white house, we had a safe border, no wars, great economy. The democrats are not who they used to be. I voted Democrat until Trump came along. He did EVERYTHING he promised to do and more. If you don’t like his personality, that’s your choice but he has been the BEST PRESIDENT EVER!!!!!

    1. Trump is A walking embodiment of the 7 deadly sins, and yet his cult cannot see it.
      I keep thinking they’ll have their “emperor has no clothes moment”
      but I fear they’re way too deep in their sunk cost fallacy to process it.
      Remember, the last to admit the con is always the mark.

      1. Nice deflection, not addressing anything Sandi said. What has Biden legitimately done that’s good for the country? Not being the Big Bad Orange Man in your dreams doesn’t count.

      2. There you go Michael.
        That 7 deadly sins analogy is somewhat of a statement in reference to Biden character, sad to say, that our elected President has truly shown us and demonstrated his greed, envy gluttony and sloth.
        You know how I can say that, Michael. Right?
        I can explain, if you like,
        Sloth, = He hides, he is not a full time President, maybe he likes the basement, IDK!
        Greed, = The whole Hunter business dealings, really need some transparency, he abused his power as VP and the American public will continue to suffer from his greed.
        Wrath= Biden has used many of the Federal government agencies as a weapon of mass destruction on any adversaries
        Envy- Well anyone can see what he has done to anyone who is opposed to his administration He is clearly in fear as are most the people who are being exposed for their failures and corruption.

        Now the Emperor no clothes, which is actually new clothes, which are no clothes after he is exposed.
        Biden and many in the administration are being exposed,
        The cult, ??? that is a pretty strong accusation, a cult of personality, you must mean? But a cult is a small group of people not 70m!!
        I believe that 70-90 million Americans are and should be referred to a MAJORITY!!
        The sunk cost fallacy, (I actually know what that means, smartie pants, maybe my 2 MBA and 2000 employees taught me lol)
        I kind of see that Biden is continuing actually struggling to continue, clearly so all the corrupt on both sides do not lose control of their ” cash cow ” and certainly the justice system. As the exposure will be criminal
        He and the “takers” have a lot invested in this charade, decades.
        It’s clear that he will not survive another few years, so he is a good fallguy.
        Oh, wait breaking News!
        BIDEN IS RESIGNING? Is he being indicted?

      3. What has Biden done?

        Maybe if you got your news from anywhere but right wing propaganda outlets I wouldn’t have to make this post.

        Unemployment at historic lows
        Stock market at historic high (literally highest ever)
        Wages up
        Inflation down
        Infrastructure bill
        CHIPS + Science Act
        Gas prices down
        Oil production up, (highest levels in USA history)
        Pandemic over
        Murder/violence down

  5. I invite all the Trump-bashing folks reading this to get out of their gated community Boca bubbles, and take a trip down the 441 corridor in central and south Broward County, or up main street in Belle Glade. That’s how the Democrat Party wants all of America to look like to satisfy their masochist views of the county they despise yet whose “democracy” they claim is at stake… all because one man upset the establishment and rejected globalist power grabs (“refugee” quotas, The Great Reset, China’s “peaceful” rise to power, you name it).

    1. Not a cult at all!!

      Trump and the GOP preemptively withdrew from the presidential debates over a year ago, but no reasonable person thinks trump is capable of embarrassing anyone but himself in a setting where the discussion is meant to focus on substantive policy issues and ideas.

      Trumps one big legislative win was cutting taxes for the top 1% and the countries largest corporations.

      Not a cult at all.

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