Boca Rudeton Dogs Fresh Market

Dogs In Fresh Market Boca Raton Annoying Shoppers, Why Are Dogs There?

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It’s Boca Rudeton For Friday. We Already Know Who Wins. What Do You Think?

It’s a busy week for dogs in places where they shouldn’t be. Let’s get Boca Rudeton for a Friday started.


BOCA RATON, FL ( (Copyright © 2024 MetroDesk Media, LLC) — Dogs are still showing up in places where they are not supposed to be, despite the fact that thousands of readers are on the hunt — snapping pics of those violating state and federal laws. Some claim that they’re all service animals, which reminds us: it’s illegal in Florida to misrepresent training that your dog has received, and the verifiable service that it provides.

Let’s get started at the Publix at North Delray Commons — 555 NE 5th Avenue in Delray Beach. The woman below, who seems — perhaps — to be a little old to have red hair, has inexplicably given her dog quite a long leash. Publix has a pet ban at all of its stores, complying with Florida and FDA rules. We don’t know why she has the dog in the store. Our reader doesn’t, either. The woman is nominated for our Boca Rudeton distinction.

Dog Publix North Delray Commons
This dog seemingly violates Publix policy. It’s seen in the Publix in North Delray Commons.

The next Boca Rudeton nominee comes from Joseph’s Italian Market at Boca Raton Town Center Mall. Joseph’s has signs posted reminding shoppers that dogs are not welcome. We note the “SER” on the dog’s leash. And maybe it is in fact in a “service” dog. But it also could be “Serge” the dog. Maybe it’s a girl and “SERaphina.” Or, perhaps, the dog is begging for a “SERmon” on how not to violate store policies. It’s not like those leashes are available on Amazon with the click of a button. Oh wait.

Is this dog a service dog? You decide. It was seen at Joseph’s Town Center Mall where there is a strict no pet policy. Remember, emotional support animals are not service dogs.

We now turn to Chipotle on Federal Highway in Deerfield Beach where it seems that it’s okay to huddle by the food and hold a dog at the same time. We’re just going to say out loud what normal people are likely thinking right now. Gross. Our reader thinks this is a Boca Rudeton nominee. We agree.

Should a dog be close to food being prepared in the Chipotle at 777 South Federal Highway in Deerfield Beach? No, we don’t think so either.

Next up: we have three dogs in Fresh Market on Military Trail in Boca Raton. In our first image, a man who is clearly too cool for school has a double Boca Rudeton nomination. First is for the dog. That dog should not be in a food store. The second is for the sunglasses. At the very least, if you’re going to bring a dog into a store and violate state and federal laws, please have the ability to see where the dog is and what the dog is doing. We don’t know how anyone could see wearing those specs. We don’t think you’re Corey Hart (wearing your sunglasses at night), but even he would think wearing them during the day in Fresh Market is a bit much.

Dog, and sunglasses, in Fresh Market Military Trail in Boca Raton

Our next nominee in this round is this man, also in the Fresh Market on Military Trail in Boca Raton. Again, there’s something about food in the open and a fluffy dog in a store that don’t mix. Oh wait, it also is breaking the law. Our reader wants this guy nominated for Boca Raton. Consider your request granted.

Another person with another dog in the Fresh Market on Military Trail in Boca Raton.

And one more from the same Fresh Market. Why is this oblivious woman walking her dog in a food store?

Another day, another dog in Fresh Market Boca Raton. Why?

So who is our winner? It has to be the guy with the sunglasses and the dog. Even where Look-At-Me-I’m-In-Boca-Raton is a way of life, this is over the top. What do you win? Well, we don’t give prizes, but if we did, it could be none other than Corey Hart’s “Sunglasses At Night” single. Incredibly, this version has “Who Let The Dogs Out” by Baha Men on the B side.

Corey Hart wore his sunglasses at night, but he never brought a dog into Fresh Market. (Image Courtesy EMI America).

We remind our readers that there is no expectation of privacy in a public place. Don’t want to be seen here? Don’t be rude here! Send your submissions to us using the menu buttons above. Share your thoughts about these doggy people in our comment section, below. Boca Rudeton™ is a trademark of MetroDesk Media, LLC. Weird dog people who have no sense of public norms — or laws — are a trademark of South Palm Beach County.

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28 thoughts on “Dogs In Fresh Market Boca Raton Annoying Shoppers, Why Are Dogs There?

  1. I am a huge pet lover but we, as persons in control of them, have been blessed with the duty of treating our fellow human beings with the respect each of us expect and deserve.
    Since there are so many sightings could we somehow produce and distribute “informative cards” to hand to these owners as to enlighten them to our disagreement with their seeming dog-abandonment issues, not to mention their law-breaking actions? We could just hand them a card and wish them a pleasant day hoping they will be enlightened. LOL, just a thought as a possible remedy to the situation.

    1. I love dogs, but I don’t own a dog. I did not see one dog annoying anyone and I have never experienced a dog in all of my years shopping annoying me or anyone. There are variety of reasons why I would never expect anyone to leave their dog in their car while shopping. I find it more disturbing to have a ban on dogs being allowed into a market with their owner.
      I have experienced children, abusive, disruptive and mentally ill people and sick people coughing and not covering their mouths while shopping who have created scenes and disrupted my shopping experience as well as others, but I have never seen a dog misbehave or cause a scene at any market. Too many people, their dogs are like their children and you don’t leave them in the car and especially in hot weather. I’m for dogs at the market, they are more well-behaved and more friendly than most people.

      1. So Nancy you mentioned being bothered by mentally ill people. What do they have to do with dogs in stores? I find that comment to be extremely offensive.

      2. “The Food and Drug Administration’s Food Guide lays down the law: with few exceptions, live animals of any kind are not permitted on the premises of a grocery store, a restaurant or other food establishment. The prohibition applies to dogs, cats, birds and other animals. Animals are unsanitary, and the law protects the national food supply from contamination from dog drool, urine, feces and other material that dogs carry on their coats and paws and might leave behind on store shelves or counters.”

    2. As much as that seems to be a good idea, I have a feeling that if someone could walk past all the signs not to bring their dog in the store you’re handing them a card #1 will not be of any help #2 could be confrontational. The one question I always seem to have is why is no one going to the management and asking them to remove the dog because it is an offense that they could be fined for?

    3. I fail to see the point in the first article about your remark that the woman seems to be too old to have red hair!!! How rude is that??? I am 75 and have red hair…you want to tell me to my face that I am too old for red hair???? By the way, it has nothing to do with dogs in food stores or for that matter wearing sunglasses! How catty is that???

  2. You are such a bitch. Who are you to say that a woman in too old to have red hair? You can’t even see her face. As to the guy with the sunglasses, maybe there is something wrong with his eyes.

  3. Dogs should stay home! If you are too emotionally distressed to go out without your dog, maybe you should also stay home. Dogs should not be in public places. They are not humans. I had a guy tell me at Green Cay his dog was allowed because he was a service animal. BS. There are reasons why dogs are not allowed. Show some respect for everyone, including your dog who would probably be happier home sleeping.

    1. I have a real trained service dog who I have to take everyday everywhere I go. It is necessary for me for my health. I take offense when people make judgements. However, all service dogs will behave in a proper manner. They are indispensable part of my medical equipment.

      1. I noticed you fail to provide what “ailment” you have. Even if you have a “trained service dog”, you also must have a medically-accepted need for said dog to bring it into restricted areas like supermarkets and food establishments. My money is on : You don’t. 😉

    2. Well manners and clean dog they should be able to go everywhere, I ahd a service trained dog… Respect animals to… Can’t take it to the beach, neither parks, neither shopping why? If they are clean and good behavior why this war againts it? 😳

      1. Just because YOUR dog may be “clean”, it does not matter for people who are ALLERGIC TO DOGS !!
        Leave your dirty, disgusting dogs where they belong : At home.

  4. Thank you, Eileen. You are spot on. The good ‘ol days when people left them at home. If these people are that emotionally insecure, there are available counselors, therapists, psychiatrists and many other options without imposing their pets on other people. It is not right that these stores will not enforce the law.

  5. I also blame the stores for ignoring the obvious. Tell them to prove it’s a service dog or leave. Food shopping is not a right and the stores can enforce their right to tell violators to leave.

    1. The only thing “disgusting” here John is your ridiculous response. Service dogs should have to wear something showing they are true service dogs. Because if they truly are, the folks should have no problem showing this on their animal. What is “disgusting” is folks bringing their dogs into places they already know it’s against the law to do so. That behavior is past entitled and needs to be stopped. We have laws about this and they need to be enforced because no one is above the law in America last I looked!
      So folks, do the right thing. Leave your dogs home where they belong…period! It’s very simple really. And if you can’t do this, make other arrangements to get your groceries! The time has come where this entitled behavior is stopped for good!

      1. Sam : 100% agree with you. But anyone can buy a fake “Service Animal” vest on Amazon for just a few bucks. What we need is government certification of these types of animals, via a HANDICAPPED LICENSE or placard, like you do for your car for handicapped parking, but this one would be for service animals. That would enable store managers to quickly determine if a person is legally compliant with Federal and State laws. Perhaps we should start an online petition to our representatives in Washington and Tallahassee?

  6. OK people, calm down. For some, an emotional support dog is a blessing. They have to go through training, the owner should have a certificate on the person and in most cases as far as I can see they can’t leave the house without that dog. I blame the people themselves for taking advantage and using the excuse that it’s an emotional support animal when in fact it’s not. Yes, I have heard of people getting dogs enabled to keep them in their condo townhouse etcetera to avoid their HOA and condo association rules. Then again, if they were to leave the house without that dog for any reason, that blows the whole thing, and they would be told to remove the dog. For the people doing this, shame on them and there should be repercussions for those people and their actions. And not just them the doctors that are allowing that to happen.

  7. It is hard for merchants to crack down on fake service dogs. All merchants can only ask 2 questions: Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? and What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
    Service dogs are not required to be registered, certified or licensed. They are not required to wear a vest or harness either. Emotional support animals are not trained to perform a task and are there just for emotional support are not service dogs.
    A merchant cannot throw a service dog and owner out unless the dog is out of control.
    Looking at the pictures cannot determine that they are not service dogs, but I have never seen service dog owners use a flexi lead. In dog training classes we tell our dog handlers to never use a flexi leash as one may not have control of their dog on it. I hope one day there will be a standardized public access test that all service dogs have to pass in person at one of several locations across the country. The owners and dogs that pass the test should be given a government id. Only owners and dogs with this id should be permitted entry. There are way too many fake service dogs out there now.

    1. Thank you, Carole. I’ve made similar comments on these posts several times, but it doesn’t seem as if Boca News Now is interested in actually EDUCATING its readers; instead, they seem more interested provoking confrontations.

      So, fellow readers, when you see a dog in Publix, Fresh Market, etc., remember this:
      1) only store employees can ask about the dog;
      2) they can only ask the 2 questions listed by Carole; and
      3) dogs are NOT required to wear a vest, nor must the owner provide documentation.

  8. Why is it that in a car, Everyone has to have a seat belt on but with animals they don’t. They have these animals in the front seat and even on there laps as they drive. If the air bags go off, those animals will be crushed and killed from the bags deploying. They should make a law that they have to be in the back seat. Going to the store, leaving your dog at home. The supermarket is not a place for your dog. You don’t mind having your dog around your food at home, that’s fine but other people don’t want that so because you LIE and say it’s a service dog we have to put up with having your dog in the store with food that I’m going to buy, NO, LEAVE THEM AT HOME. The stores need to start asking to see the paperwork for that animal being a trained and licensed service dog. If not, LEAVE THEM AT HOME. Also, if I don’t permit to have animals inside my house, why do I need to put up with animals at the restaurant where I am eating. LEAVE THE ANIMAL AT HOME.

  9. What is the big deal?? I’d rather see 20 dogs than to see one ill-mannered kid having a meltdown. For those of you who are worried about an unsanitary dog contaminating everything….how does a dog being a service animal change that? It’s still a DOG!!! Americans are dog phobic and need to seriously get a life. Many other countries are more lenient with dogs in markets, post offices, etc., it is amazing that they all haven’t dropped dead from some mysterious dog disease. 🙄

    1. What countries Elaine ? Do tell. Have yet to see a dog in a European supermarket ! The one absolute reason to ban dogs in stores and other enclosed public spaces is to respect people who are ALLERGIC TO DOGS. Anyone who brings a non service dog into a supermarket is just a pathetic selfish prick.

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