Florida COVID Report Claims Masks, Vaccines, Lockdowns Ineffective

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Report Released After Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Humiliating Exit From Presidential Race.

Share Your Thoughts On The Report.

A new report issued by Florida suggests Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s position on most COVID-related measures was correct, and everyone else was wrong. DeSantis just suffered a humiliating defeat in his bid to secure the Republican presidential nomination.


BOCA RATON, FL ( (Copyright © 2024 MetroDesk Media, LLC) — The first report from a grand jury “investigating” masks, lockdown, and COVID-19 vaccines reveals that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ claim that most preventative and reactionary measures to the pandemic were right — and everyone else was wrong. DeSantis, who just suffered a major and humiliating defeat, closing the lid on his presidential campaign casket, released the following report late Friday.

The report suggests that Gov. DeSantis’ position on all things COVID is correct. Here is the statement received by


Today, the 22nd Statewide Grand Jury released their first interim report, which includes findings on the inefficacy of masks and the years of lockdowns. On December 13, 2022, Governor DeSantis petitioned the Florida Supreme Court for a statewide grand jury to investigate crimes and wrongdoing committed against Floridians related to the COVID-19 vaccine. 

The report noted roadblocks in the Statewide Grand Jury’s investigative efforts due to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Army refusing to provide representatives to testify before the jury. These entities played a substantial hand in the contracting, approval, and distribution process for the COVID-19 vaccines.

Major highlights of the report include: 

  1. On nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs): “To be clear, scientific research into NPIs and their consequences did not begin with the outbreak of COVID-19. A wealth of contemporaneous scientific information already existed in major publications that could have informed a much more robust and meaningful response with respect to NPIs, but much of it was ignored or even attacked by mainstream public health and media entities in the early months of the pandemic, for reasons that are not always clear. In short, this was not an ‘information’ problem, it was a ‘judgment’ problem.”
  2. On lockdowns: “Lockdowns were not a good trade. Comparative data showed that jurisdictions that held to them tended to end up with higher overall excess mortality. This is especially evident when compared to jurisdictions that targeted their protective efforts towards the highest-risk groups instead of mandating large-scale, extended periods of quarantine for everyone.”
  3. On safety and efficacy: “It should also be apparent that establishing the ‘safety’ of a biological product necessitates a comprehensive, meaningful and accurate evaluation of the risk presented by the disease that product is designed to address.”
  4. On masking: “We have never had sound evidence of their effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 transmission” and “there have always been legitimate questions around the impracticality of individual adherence to mask recommendations, but once it became clear that the primary transmission vector of SARS-CoV-2 was via aerosol, their potential efficacy was further diminished. Public health agencies failed to adequately explain this important distinction to the American public in favor of a broad mask recommendation that did not make nearly enough distinction between the types of masks available and put at risk those it sought to help. Well-financed federal agencies chose to fill the discourse with flawed observational and laboratory studies, hiding behind their conclusion of ‘no equipoise’ to avoid the potential embarrassment of the public health advice they championed being invalidated by evidence.”
  5. On hospitalization risk: “We know for a fact that this happened because numerous federal and state health officials have publicly stated that they did not ask or require hospitals to distinguish cases where someone was admitted with incidental SARS-CoV-2 infection versus cases where someone was so sick with symptoms of COVID-19 disease that he or she required hospitalization. Thus, it is highly likely that the CDC’s number of total hospitalizations is inflated to some degree with asymptomatic or minor SARS-CoV-2 infections that were classified as ‘hospitalizations’ in order to financially benefit the hospital.”
  6. On collateral consequences: “Somehow, because of panic, hubris, ineptitude or some unfortunate combination of the three, this widely rejected idea not only made its way back into scientific discourse in 2020, it became the law of the land in most of the United States between 2020 and 2022. It is clear to this Grand Jury that whatever benefits inured from these mandates, they were not worth the price.”

Nonetheless, the apolitical Statewide Grand Jury concluded in its first interim report that “there are still many months and much more testimony and evidence to come before our work will be finished. The issue we have been asked to examine is different from prior statewide grand juries in that it obviously affects people all over the United States—and perhaps the world—in much the same way as it affects citizens of the State of Florida.”

What do you think of this preliminary report? Share your thoughts, below.

21 responses to “Florida COVID Report Claims Masks, Vaccines, Lockdowns Ineffective”

  1. Patrick Davis Avatar
    Patrick Davis

    What? Free Kill part 2? Concealed Carry saves lives? General of National Guard? Install barbed wire welcome mats? Election Police squad? Direct report militia? Inflation Reduction Act consignee? Stand your Ground? 2nd Amendment Author? Trump syncopant? And now, Covid-19 mutant? No wonder Casey has planes ‘n pilots on speed dial!

  2. KT Madsen Avatar
    KT Madsen

    Ron got what he paid for.

  3. Judy McClelland Avatar
    Judy McClelland

    DeSantis is the most potential presidential leader out there. Bring him on in 2028!!!!
    Humiliating is a ugly word to use in your headline!!!!!

  4. Lynn Avatar

    The statistics of people who listened to DeSantis and died, speak for themselves.

    1. Susan Deneroff Avatar
      Susan Deneroff

      I have worn a mask since Covid began & still do in stores & crowds. I am proof that MASKS absolutely do work!! I have gone twice without a mask, once to a friend’s Memorial & another time at a friend’s wedding party. Both times I got Covid! Had it so bad I had to get infusion to save me. Was bedridden for 3 wks ea time, on meds & choking from severe cough.
      Thank God I survived. So many others all over our country & the world did not. Stupidity reigns supreme when politicians argue w facts of science & medicine.

      1. Ozzie Avatar

        You probably got covid because your immunity was down so far from wearing a mask and not breathing outside fresh air. You need natural immunity and lots of sunshine

  5. PL Avatar

    Ron can make sure a report says anything he wants it to say, which is a sad statement on how things work in Florida. A wanna-be dictator. Book bans, voter bans, don’t say any number of things ban, getting rid of collegiate level courses, ruining the University of South Florida, forming a Florida State Guard (what exactly is the need for that?) — do I need to say more? Clearly, the remainder of the country saw that they didn’t want him as a potential President.
    We just need to remember that over 80,000 people died in Florida while on Ron’s COVID watch.
    Absolute misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda by him and his supposed Surgeon General. Wonder if Ron would let him diagnose and/or operate on him or his children. I bet not! The guy’s a quack.

    1. Amen, And a few other Choice words !!!!! Avatar
      Amen, And a few other Choice words !!!!!

      Ron Dick, Is just that and so much more All bad .

  6. Johnn Jay Avatar
    Johnn Jay

    Dick Santist dopey gov, State offices are a bunch of Morons ! Plain and simple, The #’s are up 60% If you don’t get the next Covid19 you stand the chance of Dying without a doubt . If you do get a Shot you cut your chances in Half of getting sick and Dying . So want to die sooner than Later ? The Masks help if you don’t Believe , Just Drink your 1 gal on Clorox per week , St. Peter will be seeing you.

  7. Boca Mom Avatar
    Boca Mom

    DESTUPID strikes again!! Pathetic lil man, with the big lifts in his boots needs to stop. You need only look at the number of cases and deaths in Florida compared with other states! Everyone who wore a mask knows wearing one spared us, not only from COVID but from the flu.
    Florida is a joke, with this mini dictator passing every stupid idea that pops into his little pea brain head!

  8. Sofia Santos Avatar

    I see there are some real low lQ people putting Down our Govenor Ron De Santis. Still live in Florida do you? Why….???? Glad u guys arent in Charge of our State.

  9. Robert Reevs Avatar
    Robert Reevs

    Ron, The next time you or any member of your family and or the people
    Who authored this report need surgery I hope you don’t mind if no one in the operating room wears masks or protective devices. Let’s see how “ineffective” they are then.

  10. Don L Avatar
    Don L

    Governor DeathSantis had some of the highest death rates in the states. Why would we listen to any report that has his fingers on it?
    He’s a con just like trump. I’d listen to real health officials

  11. June Avatar

    Folks, Ron only requested the inquiry. A grand JURY OF YOUR PEERS have looked at all the evidence to make these assessments. Why are you blaming Ron for their findings?? And I’m not a Ron fan!!

  12. Susi Votees Avatar
    Susi Votees

    This is a bogus report. It’s obviously not written by a medical professional. Ronny and his voodoo doctors can’t even make up a decent myth! Thank the Heavens the rest of the country was able to see thru you, let’s hope Florida can do so too. How about working on our insurance rates and leaving medicine to the pros Gov?

  13. Lenard Rutkowski MD Avatar
    Lenard Rutkowski MD

    The above commentators evidently have no knowledge of the real non-biased science. Surgical masks are for preventing bacterial and blood spatter intrusion and have virtually no major effect against viruses. N95 masks have some effect. Therefore cloth and surgical masks did not have a significant protective effect. Indoctrination of the populace by the media and the government prompted them into a false sense of security which has proven to be false. Corrupted governmental doctors misled and profited from mortality and morbidity of the American people.

  14. Enaid Avatar

    Ok….you made sense…now fix the homeowners insurance problem! Not offer us solar panels!

  15. Diane Stone Avatar
    Diane Stone

    Ok… made sense. Now fix the homeowners insurance problem. Solar panels are not what we need. Paying 4 grand a year is pushing good people out of their homes!

  16. Pattie Cange Avatar
    Pattie Cange

    My husband and i have been wearing a mask since the COVID announcement was made. We are not vaccinated. We have not been sick even once. So obviously masks DO WORK. We still wear masks. Ppl in the stores are sneezing and coughing and snotting. Ppl stay sick as they refuse to wear a mask. This virus will NEVER do away.

  17. John Skaggs Avatar
    John Skaggs

    This panel of Floridiots were appointed by DeSantis. Desantis should be charged in court with murder because thousands of people in Florida died because of his covid policies and other political aspirations! On second thought this scumbag appointed the state Supreme court judges too, so this would be a total waste of taxpayer money too!

  18. Gary Fanning Avatar
    Gary Fanning

    Love to see the hysterical “Blame Trump/Blame DeSantis” mob but never see much on blame the Chinese Communists that dumped this on the world and then tried to hide their complicity through collusion with the WHO & Fauci crowd!

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21 thoughts on “Florida COVID Report Claims Masks, Vaccines, Lockdowns Ineffective

  1. What? Free Kill part 2? Concealed Carry saves lives? General of National Guard? Install barbed wire welcome mats? Election Police squad? Direct report militia? Inflation Reduction Act consignee? Stand your Ground? 2nd Amendment Author? Trump syncopant? And now, Covid-19 mutant? No wonder Casey has planes ‘n pilots on speed dial!

    1. I have worn a mask since Covid began & still do in stores & crowds. I am proof that MASKS absolutely do work!! I have gone twice without a mask, once to a friend’s Memorial & another time at a friend’s wedding party. Both times I got Covid! Had it so bad I had to get infusion to save me. Was bedridden for 3 wks ea time, on meds & choking from severe cough.
      Thank God I survived. So many others all over our country & the world did not. Stupidity reigns supreme when politicians argue w facts of science & medicine.

      1. You probably got covid because your immunity was down so far from wearing a mask and not breathing outside fresh air. You need natural immunity and lots of sunshine

  2. Ron can make sure a report says anything he wants it to say, which is a sad statement on how things work in Florida. A wanna-be dictator. Book bans, voter bans, don’t say any number of things ban, getting rid of collegiate level courses, ruining the University of South Florida, forming a Florida State Guard (what exactly is the need for that?) — do I need to say more? Clearly, the remainder of the country saw that they didn’t want him as a potential President.
    We just need to remember that over 80,000 people died in Florida while on Ron’s COVID watch.
    Absolute misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda by him and his supposed Surgeon General. Wonder if Ron would let him diagnose and/or operate on him or his children. I bet not! The guy’s a quack.

  3. Dick Santist dopey gov, State offices are a bunch of Morons ! Plain and simple, The #’s are up 60% If you don’t get the next Covid19 you stand the chance of Dying without a doubt . If you do get a Shot you cut your chances in Half of getting sick and Dying . So want to die sooner than Later ? The Masks help if you don’t Believe , Just Drink your 1 gal on Clorox per week , St. Peter will be seeing you.

  4. DESTUPID strikes again!! Pathetic lil man, with the big lifts in his boots needs to stop. You need only look at the number of cases and deaths in Florida compared with other states! Everyone who wore a mask knows wearing one spared us, not only from COVID but from the flu.
    Florida is a joke, with this mini dictator passing every stupid idea that pops into his little pea brain head!

  5. Ron, The next time you or any member of your family and or the people
    Who authored this report need surgery I hope you don’t mind if no one in the operating room wears masks or protective devices. Let’s see how “ineffective” they are then.

  6. Governor DeathSantis had some of the highest death rates in the states. Why would we listen to any report that has his fingers on it?
    He’s a con just like trump. I’d listen to real health officials

  7. Folks, Ron only requested the inquiry. A grand JURY OF YOUR PEERS have looked at all the evidence to make these assessments. Why are you blaming Ron for their findings?? And I’m not a Ron fan!!

  8. This is a bogus report. It’s obviously not written by a medical professional. Ronny and his voodoo doctors can’t even make up a decent myth! Thank the Heavens the rest of the country was able to see thru you, let’s hope Florida can do so too. How about working on our insurance rates and leaving medicine to the pros Gov?

  9. The above commentators evidently have no knowledge of the real non-biased science. Surgical masks are for preventing bacterial and blood spatter intrusion and have virtually no major effect against viruses. N95 masks have some effect. Therefore cloth and surgical masks did not have a significant protective effect. Indoctrination of the populace by the media and the government prompted them into a false sense of security which has proven to be false. Corrupted governmental doctors misled and profited from mortality and morbidity of the American people.

  10. Ok… made sense. Now fix the homeowners insurance problem. Solar panels are not what we need. Paying 4 grand a year is pushing good people out of their homes!

  11. My husband and i have been wearing a mask since the COVID announcement was made. We are not vaccinated. We have not been sick even once. So obviously masks DO WORK. We still wear masks. Ppl in the stores are sneezing and coughing and snotting. Ppl stay sick as they refuse to wear a mask. This virus will NEVER do away.

  12. This panel of Floridiots were appointed by DeSantis. Desantis should be charged in court with murder because thousands of people in Florida died because of his covid policies and other political aspirations! On second thought this scumbag appointed the state Supreme court judges too, so this would be a total waste of taxpayer money too!

  13. Love to see the hysterical “Blame Trump/Blame DeSantis” mob but never see much on blame the Chinese Communists that dumped this on the world and then tried to hide their complicity through collusion with the WHO & Fauci crowd!

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