
Boca Raton Man May Be Charged With Anti-Semitic Hate Crime

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Removed Man’s Yarmulke In Walmart, Spit At It…Attacked Woman Photographing Attack…Arrested…

Dan Scanlan, Courtesy Palm Beach County Jail.

BY: 24/7 CRIME DESK | BocaNewsNow.com

BOCA RATON, FL (BocaNewsNow.com) (Copyright © 2023 MetroDesk Media, LLC) — A Boca Raton man allegedly stole a man’s yarmulke and spit at it. Police say it happened in the West Boca Raton Walmart. PBSO issued the following statement to BocaNewsNow.com:

PBSO deputies responded to a robbery that had occurred at the Walmart located at 22100 South State Road 7, Boca Raton. The suspect, Daniel Scanlan, hit a male victim from behind, removed his black yarmulke (Orthodox Jewish skullcap) and called him a “Dirty Jew Kike”. The suspect then spat in it, threw it to the ground, and once again struck the victim. 

A female patron attempted to intervene and the suspect snatched her cell phone from her hands, called her a “C-word” and threw her to the ground causing a minor laceration to her right elbow. As the female victim was attempting to retrieve her phone the suspect purposely threw it to the ground. The suspect then fled to a White Kia vehicle and drove away.   

On May 1, 2023, PBSO detectives apprehended Daniel Scanlan. Scanlan was transported to the PBC Jail to face charges including robbery and battery. A hate crime enhancement is possible, according to police. He remains held in the Palm Beach County Jail.

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