TAX DOLLARS: Trayvon Martin Protestors Still Protesting, Costing


TALLAHASSEE, FL ( — Protestors still protesting the Stand Your Ground law at the Capitol building in Tallahassee are costing the State of Florida a significant chunk of change.

According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, 16 protestors remain in or around the Capitol building, requiring additional police officers around the clock. Counting overtime, staffing concerns and other associated costs, we're told the overall total is now $332,661.94. The total for yesterday alone was $16,513.

Governor Rick Scott says the decision of the “governor's task force” on the issue of Stand Your Ground stands and the law remains in place. Lawmakers have so far been unsuccessful in initiating an attempt at repeal.

Sen. Democratic Leader Chris Smith this week called for a committee to review the Stand Your Ground law, however. Senate President Don Gaetz responded with a letter saying “I will not accede to your request because the charge of the select committee you seek to create would duplicate the work of the Governor's Task Force.”

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1 thought on “TAX DOLLARS: Trayvon Martin Protestors Still Protesting, Costing

  1. So, the protesters don’t have a problem standing their ground, yet they want to keep everyone else from standing their ground? Typical hypocrites. It must be nice getting a welfare check, food stamps, and free cell phone, allowing these people to stand around and protest a basic human right instead of looking for work or contributing to society.

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