Trash Boca Inlet

Trash Dumping In Boca Inlet Leads To Official Police Investigation

Boca Raton Florida News Palm Beach County

BOCA RUDETON: Why Would Anyone Dump Trash Cans In Waters Off Boca Raton?

Multiple readers sent images of an alleged trash dump in Boca Inlet during Boca Bash on Sunday. State officials are now investigating. (If you took this image and would like credit, reach out to


UPDATE Tuesday April 30, 2024 at 4 p.m. — Boca Raton Police say that the “suspects” were absolutely not seen in the Boca Raton Police Department as the investigation is solely being handled by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Officers. While sources within the Boca Raton Police Department reported to local media outlets, including us, that those involved were being questioned by Boca PD, the Police Department says that is absolutely not true.

UPDATE: has learned that most — if not all — of the occupants of the boat have been identified and were seen in the Boca Raton Police Department late Monday. Boca PD is working with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Officers. Charges are possible.

BOCA RATON, FL ( (Copyright © 2024 MetroDesk Media, LLC) — There is an official investigation underway into the people seen in the boat above committing what appears to be the most heinous “Boca Rudeton” we’ve seen. In a boat with the name “Halcyon,” multiple people apparently videotaped and photographed these people dumping trashcans into the water off Boca Inlet during Boca Bash on Sunday.


The BocaNewsNowCast for Thursday, May 16, 2024 The BocaNewsNowCast

Authorities tell that Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officers have opened a formal investigation into the incident. It was unclear what was being dumped into the water. If it’s vegetation, like lettuce for a manatee, it’s unlikely that a crime was committed. But it’s trash, multiple charges could be filed against the people involved, and the owner of the vessel.

The Boat allegedly dumping trash boca raton
Witnesses say this boat dumped trash into Boca Inlet during Boca Bash. Investigators are now looking into the situation.

Boca Bash brings what many residents describe as “undesirable” visitors to Lake Boca and Boca Raton over the Boca Bash weekend which is not sponsored, in any way, by the City of Boca Raton or Palm Beach County. It often leads to arrests which is consistent with multiple cocaine-while-boating arrests over the weekend.

Do you know these people? Do you have thoughts about what appears to be trash being dumped into Boca Inlet? Let us know through your comments, below.

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24 thoughts on “Trash Dumping In Boca Inlet Leads To Official Police Investigation

  1. Thank you for writing this up. What a horrible decision by all on board to not have stopped these idiots. The kid and parent names have been posted online and only hope the authorities do their part in coming down hard on them.

    1. If the boat was operated by a USCG licensed Captain, their license should be revoked. Looking for a civil penalty and a long term beach cleanup work detail for all of them.

  2. They were dumping straight trash. Bottles, wrappers etc. One if the videos showed it at the end. They saw the drone and thought it was funny!! They need jail time. This was absolutely disgusting

  3. The vessel is registered List the owner. That doesn’t look like vegetation but there’s plenty of video experts watching that can slow it down and enlarge. Expose them, arrest them if it’s trash..every one on board!!

  4. This is the worst thing I have heard of, however I am not surprised. It takes all kinds of bad people to do this. I hope the police find these responsible, and prosecute them. The ocean is for all of us to enjoy, not to throw trash in. I’m glad they were filmed doing this. I hope they find the people responsible.

  5. How can these ( well calling them trash is so easy I prolly can’t even post what’s really on my mind) But these filthy humans should pay and not with community service they should all be made to walk the beaches and cleanup trash until they can’t do it anymore this is the finest example of the filthy people that wanna “enjoy the ocean” but then do this shit!

    1. Sounds like a great idea seize the boat and throw these scumbags in jail I used to live on lake Boca back in the early 80s very nice not so much now with
      these kind of idiots on the water

  6. Their parents must be so proud.
    I go to the boca beaches on a regular basis. Every time I walk the beach and pick up trash before I leave. Boca beaches are cleaner than surrounding towns. Our beaches are our joy. What these young people did hurts my heart. It shows a disrespect for our beautiful ocean and the marine life that inhabit it.
    What is an appropriate punishment? Either confiscate the boat or sentence these offenders to an extended period of beach clean up time measured by how much trash they collect. They should serve their time as individuals not in a group. Give them time to reflect as they collect trash. A public written apology to the citizens of Boca Raton would not be a waste of paper.
    Children that grow up in beautiful Boca Raton should have an appreciation and understanding of their unique access to the ocean. They have a responsibility to protect and preserve our beaches. Hopefully they will learn.

  7. “If it’s vegetation, like lettuce for a manatee, it’s unlikely that a crime was committed.” It is illegal to feed manatees and can promote life-threatening behavior. Also, don’t try to soften the blow for these jerks or justify their behavior. That sentence should be removed.

  8. His Captains License should be revoked “forever”. That is NOT how a Captain operates!!
    Seize the boat as well!! How dare you call yourself a Captain!! You should be ashamed and embarrassed .
    Your all pathetic POS!!

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